How Logmaster counts Work Rest Hours when changing between NHVR and WA rule sets

Logmaster ensures drivers comply with the correct fatigue management rules based on their selected jurisdiction. When crossing borders, drivers often switch between NHVR and WA rule sets. The system considers previous rest breaks when determining compliance under the new rule set.

Here’s how Logmaster counts rest breaks when changing rules:

  • From NHVR to WA: The system looks back to the last 24 hour rest to check if the driver has taken qualifying rest breaks under NHVR rules before switching to WA mode.
  • From WA to NHVR: The system looks back to the last 7 hour rest to check if the driver has taken qualifying rest breaks under WA rules—unless the driver has not logged any NHVR hours in the last 7 days. In that case, no prior NHVR hours are counted.


This ensures that drivers remain compliant with the correct rules as they transition between states. If you have questions about your specific work and rest history, refer to the Logmaster app’s time tracking or contact your compliance team.

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