Business Owner

Shout your drivers their digital logbooks or connect up if they already got Logmaster.

Fair's fair, if you want your team to make a massive improvement, to reduce their fear of non-compliance and come together onto Logmaster. You can shout digital logbooks for your team and thank them for coming with the company to a better way. We don't double dip, if any of your drivers already have an account you can add them with no extra seat count or take over paying their subscription. The compliance tools for your office are on you and your record keeper will thank you.

Digitise more of the work

Running Logmaster correctly allows you to have peace of mind that your compliance data is being collected and stored in an audit friendly manner and easily accessible when you will need it. Instead of passing around paper, your compliance team has it all in one place ready to action in the portal. Role configuration, depot management and reporting bring it all into one place, reducing your tools and processes.

Reduce stress around audit time

Make stressing about audits a thing of the past. Running Logmaster correctly allows you to have peace of mind that your compliance data is being collected and stored in an audit friendly manner and easily accessible when you need it. When it comes time for audit, simply allow your auditor access to your account, or print of report copies, so they can look over the information they need.

Less hardware cost

Logmaster works on any Android or Apple smartphone or tablet device that runs Android 7 or iOS 12.5.5 operating systems or later. That covers anything newer than a Samsung Galaxy S7 or an iPhone 10!

Digital forms to reduce other paperwork

Along with a gold standard electronic work diary we have also included customisable digital forms that are normally filled out on paper. These include driver fitness declaration, vehicle inspection report, and you can add more such as incident report and hazard report. Fatigue Compliance allows more and customisable forms. Your drivers will have the ability to sign their declarations right there on their device.

Digital forms + sign on device

Along with a gold standard electronic work diary we have also included customisable digital forms that are normally filled out on paper. These include driver fitness declaration, mass declaration, vehicle inspection report, incident report and hazard report. Your drivers will have the ability to sign their declarations right there on their device. You can even create custom forms to suit your needs.