A Male Truck Driver Is Driving Down The Road With Caution | Logmaster

NHVR EWD Driver Training

NHVR EWD Driver Training

Driver Training

  • Create Password
  • Accept Business Link Request
  • Download and Login
  • Starting a Day
  • Starting Rest
  • Starting Work
  • Edit/Delete Events
  • Compliance View
  • End of Day
  • Logout
  • Device Minimums
  • Helpful Tips


Create Password

Email Notification

  • When you first start you will get 2 emails
  • Select the Welcome email first

  • In the email it will have details about who has added you to Logmaster
  • To Accept, click the Accept Button
T&C’s, Privacy and EULA
  • You will be taken to a confirmation page in which you can review the Terms and Conditions, Privacy Statement and Logmaster End User License Agreement
  • To accept, click Agree

Create Password

  • Now you can create a password
  • It is suggested to make it something your will remember
  • Must have 1 capital, 1 lowercase and 1 number as a minimum
  • Once you have created the password, click submit

Accept Business Link Request



  • When you first start you will get 2 emails
  • Select the Driver Link Request email

Email Notification


  • When a business wants to link you Logmaster EWD to their portal, they will send a link request
  • To accept the link request, click the Accept button

Link Details


  • You will be presented on a web page the link details
  • If you would accept, click the accept button and you will be linked
    If you decide to decline, click the decline button


Download and Login

Download Logmaster Australia

  • o download the Logmaster Australia
    • For Android, Google Play Store and search Logmaster Australia
    • For Apple, App Store and Search Logmaster Australia
  • Once you have the application, download it to your device


  • Open the Logmaster Australia application on your phone
  • Use your email address and password to login and click Login
  • If you have forgotten your password, click the forgot password button below the login button and follow the prompts
  • If you get a notice that appears on top, refer to device minimums


  • The Logmaster application has requirements for device permissions
  • You will be required to accept all permissions requested to use Logmaster Australia

Starting a Day

Select Work


  • Starting a day is a flow that has a few extra steps then a normal work select
  • Click the Work button at the bottom of the screen of the dashboard

Reminder Notice

  • This notice will appear when you are creating work and rest events
  • Please read it carefully before proceeding
  • Press Acknowledge to proceed
  • If you wish, you can silence this notice for 7 days

Selecting a Business



  • First set of the day is selecting the business you are diving for, do this by selecting the ‘Select’ button next to the business name
  • If the business is not listed, select the orange plus in the bottom right and follow the prompts
    • Make sure you notify that business of the change from WWD to EWD
  • Once you have selected a business, select the next button

Confirming Details


  • This step will allow you to confirm and change any of the business details, except the business name
  • Once you have confirmed the details, click submit
  • Note: for the states that do daylight savings, you can change the time zone for the base location here

Fitness Declaration

  • If your business is doing fitness declarations within the mobile application, it will appear here in the flow
  • Please fill form if required

Fatigue Plan Select


  • To Select a fatigue plan that isn’t displayed by default, click the down arrow
  • You will be presented with Fatigue plans to select from, click ok once you have selected the fatigue plan you wish to use
    • 2-up will display a secondary form
  • Click the next button to confirm your selection

2-Up Form

  • If you are driving in 2-up
  • Fill in the details required by the form
  • Read the notice carefully before signing the declaration
  • Once complete, click next

Select Vehicle

  • You will be presented with a list of company vehicles that are available to select
  • If the vehicle you need isn’t shown in the list, select the orange + symbol in the bottom right to add the vehicle
  • To select the vehicle, click the select button and click next

Vehicle Checklist

  • If the business you have selected is using the Vehicle Pre Start Checklist it will appear here in the flow
  • Fill the form out as required

Select Location

  • The EWD will generate the most accurate location if can based off your device capabilities
  • If the location isn’t exact, you can correct the location
  • Depending on your device, some devices take longer to generate a location then others
  • If you wish to do Suburb Only, click the toggle and the application will remember your selection

Event Details

  • Fill out the Odometer reading for the vehicle your are driving
  • You can edit the time of the event here if you need too
  • Add any comments you require and click next
  • This will submit the event


  • You will be returned to the dashboard
  • The left hand dial will show you the total work you have completed for the current day
  • The right hand dial will show you how long until your next rest, with the rest required below

Starting Rest


  • To start a rest event, select the ‘Rest’ button at the bottom of the dashboard

Select Location

  • Confirm your Location
  • Select next to confirm location

Event Details

  • Confirm your event details
    • Odometer
    • Time
    • Stationary status
    • Comments
  • Select Next to submit the event


  • In rest mode, the dashboard will change to show you how long you are in rest for

Starting Work

  • To start work, select the work button at the bottom of the screen

Confirm Vehicle

  • At this stage you will need to select the vehicle you are about to drive
  • By default, the last vehicle you drove will be selected
  • Click Next to proceed
  • Note: if you select a different vehicle and your business has enabled pre starts, you will need to completed a pre start checklist


Select Location

  • Confirm your location
  • Click next

  • Confirm your event details
    • Odometer
    • Time
    • Comments
  • Select Next to submit the event
  • You will be returned to the dashboard

Menu Navigation

  • To access your events, click the Menu icon
  • Then from the Menu Select Events


Events Page

  • Select the edit button on the event you wish to edit


Edit Event

  • The data that can be edited in an event will be presented
  • Once you have edited the information, you will be required to put in a comment
  • If you wish to submit the edits, click the submit button. Otherwise cancel.


Edit History

  • All Edits will have a change log that can be viewed on the events page and in the compliance page

Delete Event

  • To delete an event, click the trash can
  • You will receive a popup on the screen to confirm


  • Note: The event will not be deleted form the system, it will only be marked as deleted, as no data is to be destroyed


Compliance View

Menu Navigation

  • To access the compliance view, click the Menu icon
  • Then from the Menu Select Compliance
  • If you are on the roadside and need to present your diary, it will be required to be in compliance view
  • The compliance view requires your password to exit, so your data is safe


Compliance Help

  • The compliance help will be displayed for the Authorised officer
  • They will be required to read how to use the diary before they proceed
  • At the bottom of the page is the Acknowledge button to access compliance


Graphical View

  • The Graph will show the diary graphical view
  • To change days, use the date toggle at the top


  • The Events Tab will show events
  • The top grid will show the active events
  • The bottom grid will show deleted events
  • If you click the event, it will show all details, including the edit logs



  • The investigation tab will show all breaches detected in the diary for the past 28days



  • The Annotations screen will show all annotations in the diary for the past 28days
  • This is for Authorised officers only


Report Transfer

  • The report transfer will trigger a report for the past 28days for the current active driver to the email that has been entered


Officer Help


  • If the Authorised Officer requires to review the help sections again, they can be accessed via the officer Help menu item.


  • The about tab will have your details
  • The EWD approval details
  • The device details


Exit Compliance

  • To exit the compliance view, you will be required to input your password


End of Day

  • To lock you events, you can click the end of day button at the bottom of the rest screen.
  • You can only lock you events if you are in rest mode.


  • The list of events that will be locked are at the top of the screen
  • Please review the legal statement
  • Sign the form in the box provided
  • Tick Accept Button
  • Then finally input your password and click submit
  • Once your records are locked, they cannot be edited or deleted.



  • To logout, simply click the logout button
  • If your events are all locked, you will be logged out directly
  • If your events are not locked, you will be prompted to complete an end of day before logging out
  • If you are in work mode, you will get a prompt to change to rest mode before logging out


Device Minimums

  • Android
    • Version 7 or above
    • 1GB Ram
    • 1Ghz CPU
    • 250mb disk space available
  • Apple
    • Version 12.5.5 or above
    • 1GB Ram
    • 1Ghz CPU
    • 250mb disk space available

Notes: If you are unsure, download the app and if it lets you login, your device meets the minimums

If your device is Rooted/Jailbroken you will not be able to use the Logmaster Australia Application


Helpful Tips

Tampered Events

  • There are 3 types of tampered event detections
  • GPS turned off
    • To clear this notice, turn your location services on
    • The application requires you location for geotagging of events
  • GPS Mock Location
    • Turn off Developer Mode and uninstall all mock location applications from the device
    • Android only
  • Time
    • Make sure your time is set to network time and the time zone is set to automatic
    • The application will base all your events based on your base time zone by default



  • Themes
    • There are multiple themes within the application and you can edit them in the settings button
  • Default Settings
    • Any system defaults for reminder notifications, suburb only and more can be managed from the default settings tab



  • In the menu item support, you can find your support contact details
  • Click these options to open your phone dialler or email to access support


Web Access

  • You can access your profile from the web as well
  • Here you can manage personal vehicles, linked businesses, documents, reports and more
  • Head to Logmaster.com.au and lick the login button to access your portal



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