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Tackle fines and non compliances head-on

The chances of fines are increasing for transport businesses and drivers

Are you a driver, or someone who employs drivers, subject to the fatigue laws and regulations? Do you want to prevent yourself from fines of up to $17,740 per breach or in the case of a Director of a business, imprisonment. Your best option is to look at Logmaster, the easiest way to digitise your fleet compliance.

A regulatory environment with increasing digital surveillance

Enforcement is not going away, and new camera surveillance is rolling out as we speak. Can you afford not to match the pace from your side, and the obvious benefits that an EWD and our Fatigue Compliance Module can bring to all strata of your operations? How else can drivers take action to better document their compliance, and your company to take all the responsible actions? Remember, when employed drivers get breached, it won’t be long before the regulator comes a-knocking.

Drivers have one digital advantage but some have not realised it is for them

We recognise that some companies likely have one or two drivers who need to start with the paper-checking function before the whole fleet goes digital. But even just transitioning to the paper-checking function can save your office around 2 hours per week on 20 drivers.

Still more time and accuracy improvements come with EWD but some drivers may be hesitant at first to make the switch. After all, nobody likes change for the sake of change itself. On the other hand, EWD usage is a good defence in the prevailing regulatory and enforcement environment. And the specifications are designed not to disadvantage but more to incentivise EWD usage. What if we were to tell you that as a driver, that a Logmaster EWD could gain you at least an hour’s extra rest for every 24 hour period. It would also give you back an hour’s work time that traditional work diaries steal from you. Plus an extra 8 minutes for every period of work time allowed that might just be the difference between ‘running the gauntlet’ or not. And drivers report that being able to record their rest breaks with one minute rounding on EWD compared to 15-minute blocks on paper saves them about 5 legal working hours per week. The biggest breakthrough you can make with the more wary drivers is simply to educate them on time saved and the edit functions for correcting mistakes.

Transport Businesses stand to gain from digitising 

If you are a business who employs drivers, you most probably also employ at least one person tasked with checking yellow pages that have to be constantly followed up on. Not to mention the ‘notices to produce’ that have to be dealt with under the threat of court and heavy fines. Receiving these over the cloud or manually entering them allows logmaster to do the checking for breaches and provides a streamlined response process including linked investigation, NCR and performance management, taking away a large part of the clerical element.

For a company new to compliance automation, we recommend piloting a number of drivers per office for a good idea of how digitization will benefit the whole organisation. If you’re planning to roll out Logmaster across multiple offices, we highly recommend setting up the depots in the system then booking a demo and enablement session for each of your record keepers.

Fleet tracking and compliance automation – all together or at arm’s length?

Fleet tracking and driver compliance are two spheres of management with a different ethos. That’s why it’s important to consider how closely tied you want those systems to be. Logmaster makes Chain of Responsibility crystal clear, eliminating any confusion or blurred information boundaries that may have been present with older systems. If you are reviewing your fleet tracking solutions, the majority of high quality providers are able to bundle with Logmaster.

Before you worry about technology making compliance management shortfalls more apparent, remember that if you’re using paper logbooks everybody assumes that you couldn’t possibly be 100% compliant. But with Logmaster, making a big improvement in compliance has never been easier. It’s finally possible to meet the requirements to a degree that will impress anyone who hasn’t seen it done this way before.

Logmaster has built the advantages you need on to the EWD platform

So even if you have all the other pieces in place, why waste time and money chasing, manually entering logbooks or checking for compliance breaches? With Logmaster, you can remove doubt and be confident that you’re meeting heavy transport fatigue regulations. Plus, you can streamline your interactions with the Logmaster Record Keeper App, keeping your office mobile and efficient. Book a demo today with Logmaster or one of our providing partners to see how Logmaster can revolutionise your fleet compliance.

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